Spinal Injury Care in Los Angeles

The process of recovering from the effects of a spinal cord injury can seem incredibly difficult and sometimes hopeless. But with proper coordination, there is no reason why a recovering person cannot lead a fulfilling life.

Effective spinal cord injury nursing care in New York

Many patients living in New York City who are in rehabilitation need coordinated care from medically trained nurses, as well as physical and occupational therapists and home care specialists to meet their medical, physical and emotional needs.

Trained spinal cord injury patient care specialists know how to navigate recovery schedules, develop strategies to meet recovery requirements and coordinate with other service providers, friends and family members for the highest level of care.

Supporting a recovery strategy

Postoperative patients recovering from surgery may need to see several rehabilitation specialists during the week, learning how to handle medical equipment at home and maintaining a strict medication schedule.

Providers of care for spinal cord injury at home can help add structure and stability to their new recovery schedule. From scheduling medications to transportation to support for appointments, a home care specialist will work with other care providers in the medical home to make sure that your loved one can get to each appointment, follow proper meal plans, take medications on time, and use the home medical equipment safely and effectively.

Ensuring daily and emotional comfort

While providers of nursing care of spinal cord injury can offer great support in managing medication administration, ensuring home security, coordinating medical communication, and transportation to and from various meetings, it is the additional social skills that they have that are critical.

Service providers for nursing care for spinal cord injury are ready to help your loved one to plan and go grocery shopping, help with light housekeeping chores, provide support during everyday activities, and be there to help cook meals.

These people provide gentle emotional support, providing a shoulder to cry on and a confidant to talk to in confidence. Professionals for home care for spinal cord injury patients try to treat their clients with respect and dignity at all levels of care, from getting out of bed to helping them with bathing and toileting.

Contact your local Home Caregiver today and start the conversation!

It's true that recovering from a spinal cord injury is not easy, but with the right team and right home care provider, your loved one has a viable chance at a happy and healthy daily routine.

If you are interested in meeting with qualified providers of spinal cord injury care in NYC at home for you or your loved one, call us now at the number listed and get the particulars.

Freequently Asked

Do you have questions on how home care works, who provides care, or who pays for it? We have answers for all of that and more!

What is Spinal Injury Care?
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the tight bundle of cells and nerves that sends and receives signals from the brain to and from the rest of the body. The spinal cord extends from the lower part of the brain down through the lower back.
How is a spinal cord injury diagnosed and treated?
    The emergency room physician will check for movement or sensation at or below your level of injury, as well as proper breathing, responsiveness, and weakness. Emergency medical tests for a spinal cord injury include:
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces detailed three-dimensional images of body structures, including tissues, organs, bones, and nerves. It can show brain and spinal trauma from injury, herniated discs (cartilage located between the vertebrae), vascular (blood vessel) irregularities, bleeding, inflammation that might compress the spine and spinal cord, and injury to the ligaments that support the cervical spine.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) provides rapid, clear two-dimensional images of organs, bones, and tissues. CT can detect bone fractures, bleeding, and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).
  • X-rays show two-dimensional images of most parts of the body, such as a joint or major organ system. Misalignment of or fracture to vertebrae can be seen within minutes.